5 Habits to Support Your Mental Health and Wellbeing

In honor of World Mental Health Day (and everyday), it's time to put your personal needs first.

The holiday season is around the corner, a time when many of us get caught up in the hustle and bustle of travel, gifting and planning. With all of that added on top of our already busy lives, sometimes our personal needs are put on the backburner. In honor of World Mental Health Day, we’re sharing some of our favorite habits to prioritize our mental health and wellbeing to keep in mind all the time. Because we all deserve to celebrate with loved ones while maintaining a happy and healthy balance.

1. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep.

Sleep deprivation trickles down into every part of our lives. From impacting our ability to take in information and making it hard to give 100% at work, sleep and performance go hand-in-hand. According to the National Sleep Foundation, it can also have huge consequences when it comes to depression and anxiety. So if you’re feeling low, take stock of how many hours of shut-eye you’re getting a night. When it doesn’t fall in the healthy 7-9 hour range, consider re-prioritizing commitments. If time isn’t the issue (sometimes it feels like our brains just won’t shut off!), there are plenty of natural supplements and apps on the market to help you achieve sweet-dreams status.

2. Hit the gym.

During these cozy months, Netflix binge sessions, seasonal candles and plush blankets tend to call our names and keep us bundled up at home. While we’re all about a comfy night in, it’s also important to prioritize moving our bodies! Not only is it empowering to feel strong and confident in our physical abilities, but as Elle Woods once said, endorphins make you happy — so it makes sense that they play a significant role in combatting the blues. 

3. Practice expressing gratitude.

When you’re feeling down, it’s easy to neglect reflecting on all the great things you have going. We recommend blocking out time in your day for a 1:1 with a gratitude journal. Take stock of all your wins, everything exciting you have coming up, and the people you’re grateful for in your life. In addition to serving as an in-the-moment reminder, gratitude journals also have pages to fill with happy moments for the next time you’re struggling.

4. Get outside!

Remember during those first few weeks of summer when the sun was shining on your skin and you just seemed happier? That mood boost isn’t exclusively reserved for warmer months. Research suggests that being outdoors, especially in green areas with beautiful foliage, improves self-esteem and mood. So grab your jacket and brave the dropping temperatures for a walk through the park or a hike — your mind will thank you! For those days that look just a little bit darker outside, we love having a happy light on our desks to start our mornings too.

5. Eat and drink intuitively. 

As the holidays draw nearer, you know we’re going to be indulging in our fair share of delicious foods. But when it comes to mental health, it’s also crucial to pay attention to what you’re consuming and how it impacts the way you feel. For coffee lovers out there, it can be hard to say no to that second (or third) cup of Joe. But if you’ve been feeling anxious or on-edge, it may be time to dial back the caffeine a bit. Or if brain fog is getting in the way of your day-to-day, consider reducing your refined sugar consumption. 

What are your favorite ways to support your mental health? Share with us on Instagram and Facebook!