An Eye On Product Packaging

Whether we're aware of it or not, a product’s package affects our buying behavior. Great packaging can elicit feelings from the simple (Dang! That looks tasty!), to the complex (Huh! That costs a lot more, but it sure looks like it tastes better than what I usually get). With a quick glance, we can perceive value, quality, and price. That’s why product packaging matters. Let’s take a look at some of our recent favorites:

We’ve gone overboard for this bright, joyful packaging from Mexican popsicle company Happy Cappy. The Zissou-meets-Lichtenstein illustrations combined with a whimsical custom typeface make us feel like we’re sitting on the dock of the bay on a hot summer day.

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Speaking of hot summer days, Forgotten Boardwalk’s beautiful identity and packaging picks up on the line drawing style of Happy Cappy, but adds a splash of nostalgia for the days of sideshows and bearded ladies on the beach. We love all of the different executions, especially the cat tail tap handle and the bold growlers:


Finally, the packaging for Park Distillery has us yearning for campfires and sunsets. We’re loving the nod to vintage park posters, and the funky “K” in their logotype. Plus, the bottles use a reflective foil ink, adding visibility on dark bar shelves. 


For more foil ink goodness, check out the label redesign for 3 Howls executed by our own art director, Aaron:


What are your favorite product packaging examples? Show us on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.