The Impact of Mindfulness

mindfulness In our digital world, we are always connected, sometimes for better and sometimes for worse. What has become clear to us is just how important understanding and practicing mindfulness is to our overall health and happiness, and even to the quality of our work. We were inspired by this must-read Huffington Post story about 15 Practical Ways to Find Your Zen at Work from the Zen Buddhist master Thich Nhat Hanh, who is credited with being the father of mindfulness in the West. The fact that our personal and work lives are so interconnected is something we value as an agency, so we really loved this realization from Hanh: “Try not to divide your time into "my time" and "work." All time can be your own time if you stay in the present moment and keep in touch with what’s happening in your body and mind. There’s no reason why your time at work should be any less pleasant than your time anywhere else.”   Here are the mindfulness practices we’ve each put into place: I always get up more than an hour earlier than my kids so I can start the day on top, not rushed, with an organized inbox and enough time to get ready in peace with a cup of coffee. - Jennifer I used to not take the time to recharge between the office and home, but re-focusing on this important habit has been transformative. Going to the gym, calling my mom or meeting up with a girlfriend for happy hour have been easy and fun ways to decompress. And I’ve felt more focused and fresh both professionally and personally. - Shauna I like to use full screen mode and turn off any notifications, be they virtual (email bings, calendar pop-ups) or real (phone ringing) in order to focus and be mindful of one task at a time. - Aaron I turn off all electronics for at least an hour a day. Instead of being plugged in, I will spend time with my family, go for a walk (my favorite being at the Nisqually Wildlife Refuge because you have to be quiet), read a book, workout, or cook. The quiet time gives my brain a break and the chance to reflect on what is going on in my life and refocus. - Meagan Inevitably there comes a point in the day when my brain is so full I stop functioning, so I go for a run or walk. It is my meditation. When I come back I am so clear headed and inspired. I have new ideas for clients and I can work task by task, knocking out a plan or press release in half the normal time. - Angie Starting my day off on the right foot is key. I make sure to wake up with enough time to sit down at the table, eat breakfast and drink my coffee. This simple routine makes it seem like I have a little personal time before work, and that my day is not starting out rushed and stressful. - Brenna Multi-tasking is so early 2000’s. I put down the phone, opt out of the alerts and focus on one thing at a time. - Corinne How do you practice mindfulness at work? Tell us on Facebook or Twitter!