Resolution Reboot

Admittedly I’m a little late to set a resolution, and, to be honest, labeling something a “resolution” all but ensures it’s going to get dumped within a month. I’d rather form habits that live on long past my lack of willpower. Here are a few things I’m striving to achieve each week this year. Eat well and exercise Nourish all aspects of your life with good for the soul whole foods – it clears your mind and keeps your motor running. I love this recipe by Uproot Kitchen featuring our client, organicgirl. Supergreen-Tuna-Salad-with-a-Sesame-Peanut-Dressing-ad-uprootkitchen.com_ I’ve struggled to find my exercise soulmate but it’s happened - I’ve fallen in love with spin. By pushing my endurance to the limit, I can hone in my focus on everything else, including the work I do for our clients. Word is that BurnCycle, the super popular Portland-based spin studio is coming to Seattle this year! Check out their Instagram account for she-wolf level inspiration. Start your day organized Take list making to the next level with these amazing daily task sheets from KaHootie.  Agenda Clean up your inbox Start every week with a clean inbox. As in zero, zilch, nada emails. This not only means deleting the emails you don't want but actually unsubscribing as you go. You’ll also want clear those red follow up flags and create new email folders (and use them!). Go beyond your comfort zone Keep things fresh, try something new, learn a new skill and find a new strength. Why is it important? Stale days breed low energy levels, lack of inspiration and even less happiness. Read this article from Entrepreneur for info. - Corinne What do you want to focus on this year? Leave a comment on Facebook or tweet us at @revpr.