Ready for the Weekend!

shutterstock_151363640 Unfortunately, it looks like the rain is returning this weekend, but that never stops us from having a fun and productive weekend! Here are a few inspiring campaigns, fun stories and breaking news items that were on our radar this week: Zappos' sweet story about their company culture justifies buying a couple new pairs of shoes, right…? An Apple Watch or a Twinkie? Check out these brands’ funny tweets about the latest tech gadget. What’s your internet age? Take this fun quiz to find out. Innovative ad campaign of the week: Salvation Army puts #The Dress to good use. Superheroes make an appearance in Seattle. We're all for a bet that involves community service (and Captain America). Uber and the UN? We didn’t see that one coming, but are interested to see how this pans out in providing more jobs for women. We love this awesome show of creative marketing at Paris Fashion Week. Fun partnerships coming out of SXSW - H&M + Homepolish, an NYC-based design startup who has been on our radar since we started searching for office décor inspiration. What a purrrfect idea. What do you think Herban Feast, should we get Seattle brides on board? Happy Friday! -Brenna